WORKSHOP: Healing Stories and Storytelling, July 15, Saturday, Lexington,
A one day workshop for story lovers and storytellers
July 15, Saturday, Paschal’s Conference room, Lexington
"Truth used to run around the world naked. Everyone was frightened and avoided him. He saw someone dressed in beautiful robes surrounded by friends. Truth asked her name. She answered, "I am story. I could dress you." And from that day forth Truth and Story traveled mostly together, but not always." --A Jewish tale
People of ancient civilizations have all known a wisdom via storytelling. Stories map our inspirations, our hopes, our memories and our dreams. There is a wisdom in each of us we do not even know we have. We introduce a creative collaborative process to access and recapture this wisdom: relearning how stories can guide, summon and empower us. We learn how to design a context for authentic change, personal and organizational.
People resist and will sabotage direct help, advice or admonition for many reasons. Story by-passes conscious resistance. Story hooks the creative inner Child to allow the other to transform the situation on one’s own terms - authentically. Together we learn to discover and design stories to do this, including our own stories. An emerging body of literature supports and describes this process.
Educational Objectives. Participants will:
1) Value STORY as a powerful avenue for healing and change.
2) Learn how to discover and design healing stories.
3) Practice the art of listening with discernment.
4) Understand some of the dynamics of effective storytelling.
5) Practice accessing some of the transforming aspects of your own story.
6) Have experienced a model for leading others in the use of healing stories and storytelling.
We plan a monthly guild meeting with guest speakers and sharing, starting in October.
Requirements: none Professional Training: none.
July 15, Saturday, 9:30 to 3:30, Brown bag lunch. Paschal’s conference room, Winchester Road near the Clark County Line, nine miles east of New Circle Road, 5 from Man O War. Lofgren Ct. $10.00 early bird registration until July 1. Seniors 65+ $5.00. After July 1, $15.00. Registration limited to 20.
Paschal Baute is a storyteller in the Celtic tradition which honors all of nature as sacred and each person as blessed by birth. He has been developing storytelling as a tool for building bridges and changing worlds for many groups. He used storytelling to present workshops to Ohio Psychologists in recent retreats with the theme of uniting Psychology with Spirituality. He is a Member of the Healing Story Alliance of the National Storytelling Network, the Kentucky Storytelling Association and the Lexington Spellbinders storytellers group. He uses story to teach conflict management for managers and others in his latest book, Win-Win Finesse, and consults in a variety of settings. Paschal will be assisted by members of the Spiritual Growth Network and the Kentucky Storytelling Association, and hopefully also by the Lexington Spellbinders association.
WORKSHOP APPLICATION KINDLY PRINT (cut and paste to return via email)
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EMAIL FOR NEWSLETTER & NOTICES (optional)_____________
EARLYBIRD WORKSHOP FEE $10.00 Seniors over 65: $5.00
After July 1, $15.00, Seniors, $10.00. Lunch is brown bag, soft-drinks and coffee supplied. Directions sent to all pre-registrants.
Make checks payable to “Paschal Baute,” c/o 4080 Lofgren Ct, Lexington, Ky 40509
Registration limited each workshop to no more than 20. Early registration is advised.
___ Yes, I am interested to helping an ongoing discussion group or Guild get started. Let’s talk.
Telephone (859) 293-5302 Email
NOTE: Reduced free for KSA members, Spellbinders, Members of Spiritual Growth Network and Correctional volunteers, FCDC, $5.00 before July 1.
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