OPA Retreat: Using Stories for Change, outline.
Using Stories for Change 101 and 102
Presenter: Paschal Baute, PhD
Program Length: Each is three hours. 101 is offered twice during the Retreat.
People of ancient civilizations have all known a wisdom via storytelling. Stories map our inspirations, our hopes, our memories and our dreams. There is a wisdom in each of us we do not even know we have. We introduce a creative collaborative process to access and recapture this wisdom: relearning how stories can guide, summon and empower us.
People resist and sabotage direct help, advice or counsel for many reasons. Many prefer not to relinquish their personal drama. Story bypasses conscious resistance. Story hooks the creative imagination to allow the other to transform the situation on one’s own terms - authentically. In these workshops we learn to design stories to do this, perhaps even using our own stories. The renaissance in storytelling found in much recent literature supports and describes this process. Narrative therapy is only one expression; there’s also Erickson’s use of the therapeutic metaphor, Clarissa Pincola Estes and others.
The workshops are offered in a progression, with two 101s being introductory. For completion of Objective 4, a practice session, workshop 102 is necessary. Coaching is offered only in second workshop.
Story Workshops # 101a and # 101b: Provides an overview of how story has shaped civilization, our society and individuals; also covers how story can blind us to reality, and how a new story can transform. Also deals with making stories more effective. Limit: 12 participants each..
Story Workshop # 102: Recognizes therapeutic challenges. Each participant chooses a favorite or personal story to tell, in dyads or group, with coaching and feedback. Participants learn how to listen and coach, and design stories are reviewed. Requirement: complete Story 101.
Participants will:
1) Value STORY as a powerful avenue for transformation and change.
2) Explore how stories speak to emotional and spiritual needs of clients and organizations.
3) Understand some of the dynamics of effective storytelling.
4) Practice accessing some of the transforming aspects of storytelling. This objective is for those who complete workshops, 101 and 102.
About the Presenter: Paschal Baute has been developing storytelling as a tool for building bridges and changing worlds.. He is a member of the national Healing Story Alliance, the Kentucky Storytelling Association and the Lexington Spellbinders storytellers group. He is semi-retired from thirty years of clinical work as a psychologist. He coordinates the Human Resource Management curriculum for the School for Career Development at Midway College, Midway, Kentucky and has a prison ministry program for men and women with volunteers. His most recent book, “Win - Win Finesse, The Art of Dealing Positively with Negative Feelings ,” uses story to illustrate 17 spiritual values as well as a world changing creative method of dealing with conflict at work. He has led workshops at two previous OPA retreats like this one. For more information, telephone 859.293-5302. Email pbbaute@paschalbaute.com. Or see his web page at www.paschalbaute.com/writing. Then scan down right sidebar to “Amazement” storytelling blog/. His curriculum vitae and current writings are found at www.paschalbaute.com.
Bibliography will be offered to participants.
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