KSA porgram, November 7 and 8. Shepherdsville, Ky
Sponsor Name: Kentucky STorytelling Association.
Presenter/Instructor Name (Please attach bio/resume):
Paschal Baute. Ed. D. see www.paschalbaute.com, click on "Curriculum Vitae" third link from top right side bar on my home page.
Charles Eyer, M.S. See Paschal's blog on Amazement for a post of this curriculim vitae later, via web logs via his home web page.
Date(s)/Time of Activity: Novenber 7 and 8, 2008, Shepardsville, KY, prorgram to be announced.
Title of Activity: "Changing Worlds By Telling Stories. in two parts.
Level of Participant’s Prior Knowledge of Topic:
□X Little/None □ Some □ Extensive □ Teaching
Target Audience: Any adult care-giver, teacher, nurse, coach, minister, social worker, nurse, physician, psychologist.
Workshop/Course Description:
part 1. (45 minutes) Catching Wisdom stories.
The bane of religion today is close-mindedness. We demonstrates how to extract the best of traditional Wisdom stories to create new but ancient paths for inspiration, growth and faith development.
Reference: (many, handouts prepared)
part 2. (45 min) Learning to access and tell our own “wisdom” stories
Each of us is in truth a survival story and we are heroes in our own movies. In this workshop we learn to recognize the beauty, uniqueness and differing gifts of our own stories and risk sharing them with others.
Educational Objectives (List specific observable actions by participants that will demonstrate comprehension and integration of information presented):
Participants will learn
1) appreciation of the universality of wisdom stories in literature, childnen's fables and bible stories
2) the process and power of accessing their own "wisdom" stories
3) acceptance of the differing gifts and energies in each other and the "wisdom of the crowd."
Media/Materials (List the print, audio and visual materials you will use. Who is responsible for providing them?)
Flip chart or white Marker board. (I can bring if necessary)
Evaluation & Assessment (Describe how you will evaluate student learning & presentation effectiveness.)
In addition to regular KSA workshop evaluations, we shall ask for specific feedback on these objectives oi a one page form at the workshop conclusion, later summarize and provide to workshop sponsores.
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