OPA Retreat Workshops: Unioin of Psychooogy and Spirituality
Ohio Psychologist Assocaiton
Continuing Education Workshops
Feb 19-20
Union of psychology and Spirituality Retreat.
Mohican State Park, one hou north of Columbus, Ohio
See OPA website listed below for details oin registration
Friday p.m. an Healers Ignore the Placebo Effect of Belief? Spiritual Strategies and Healing Metaphors for Practice.
PreenTer: Paschal Baute,. Ed. D.
Time needed: 3 hours
Levels: Basic
Evolutionary psychology demonstrates the adaptive effect of belief and myth. Strategies which honor the values hidden in the Wisdom traditions are known from research to be successful even in serious dysfunction. Clinicians comfort table with accessing values are likely to be more successful in therapeutic practice. .
Scientists today are studying the power of faith, religious practice and spirituality in health. At least eighty medical schools include courses in religion and medicine. Projects at Harvard, Duke and Yale found that people who practice faith have less heart disease, fewer strokes, less depression, lower blood pressure, faster recovery from illness, and may even live longer
Use of therapeutic metaphor has a long history. Across faith boundaries, treatment opening to a diversity of spiritual strategies in helping clients access their personal faith values. Evidence based treatment modalities are research supported.
This program is derived from the following works
Spiritual Strategics in Counseling and Psychotherapy , by P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin (APA approved text for continuing education credit)
The Diversity of Life., Edward O. Wilson (National Medal of science winner)
“Spirituality & Healing in Medicine,” conference sponsored by Harvard Medical School and the Mind/Body Medical Institute, 2008.
Participants will learn
1. To identify the main professional issues in selecting spiritual strategies.
2. To respect all Wisdom traditions for their haling potential. .
3 Analyze client conditions that empower and enhance use of story and metaphor
4. Recognize the range and the wealth of applications for client well-being.
Biography of presenter: Paschal has been a member of APA Division 36, Religion and Psychology for many years. Worked and published in pastoral psychology. He has been teaching and leading workshops in body/mind/spirit wellness for the community and the spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky for 20 + years. He was an Athletic Director in the U. S. Army and for 16 years a Benedictine monk.
CV: www.paschalbaute.com
Diversity applications: This program speaks to common needs of the human heart across all boundaries of gender, race, age, religion or sexual orientation, as well as diverse Wisdom Traditions.
Saturday a.m.
Second workshop
Title: Whoever Tells the Best Story Prevails
Presenter: Paschal Baute.. Ed. D.
Time needed: three hours
Levels: Intermediate. It is recommended that the previous workshop be taken first.
Workshop Description. The use of story narrative and metaphor has a long standing tradition in psychotherapy. The known power of AA is partly related to the sharing of stories. This program studies and illustrates the diverse use of story for change modalities..
Story is more powerful than fact, truth or reason. This program overviews the history, current practice an d research that informs “state of art “ treatment as well as applications to human resource management and business leadership. Cautions for practice are noted.
This program is derived from the following work
Review of Narrative Therapy: Research and Utility. Mary Etchison and David M. Kleist. 2000/
Storytelling and evidence based research.
The Secret Language of Leadership, Stephen Denning, rated as number one Business Book of the Year for 2007.
Who Tells the Best Story Wins, by Annette Simmons.
Participants will learn
1. Humans create their own st0ries that can resist reason, fact, truth and the persuasion of reality.
2. Recognize the seven universal story plots common across all cultures.
3. A system for creating re-framing metaphors and stories.
4. Identify professional applications and laminations of this modality.
Biography of presenter: Paschal has been a member of APA Division 36, Religion and Psychology for many years. Worked and published in pastoral psychology. He has been teaching and leading workshops in body/mind/spirit wellness for the community and the spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky for 20 + years. He is an octogenarian with a healthy and happy heart, survivor of metastized cancer, 15 years and counting. He is also a Spellbinder storyteller and raconteur.
CV: www.paschalbaute.com
Diversity applications: This program speaks to common needs of the human heart across all boundaries of gender, race, age, religion or sexual orientation, as well as diverse Wisdom Traditions.
Title: Can Healers Ignore the Placebo Effect of Belief? Spiritual Strategies and Healing Metaphors for Practice.
Preener: Paschal Baute,. Ed. D.
Title: Whoever Tells the Best Story Prevails
Presenter: Paschal Baute.. Ed. D.
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