Evaluations collected anonymously from Storytelling workshop participants, OPA
OPA retreat, Camp Akita, Feb 23-24, 2007,
Union of Psychology and Spirituality
Feedback 101. Storytelling for healing and change,
These were the anonymous evaluations I collected at the end of each workshop. They are more detailed than the Ratings given to workshop sponsors.
Breaking into dyads, then coming back to the group and sharing (if you wanted to) was helpful. Many resources. Maybe once you get some practice and feel more comfortable , break into larger groups of 3 or 4 with shorter stories so you can get more feedback.
Plus: Flexibility to meet the needs of the participants. Dyadic activities. Opening exercise.
Minus: confusion bout personal stories and cultural stories when talking about storytelling.
Handouts to take notes on. Outline of structure of purpose of a story. Very good workshop. Informative. Useful. Provided new tools for therapy.
Paschal. I fully appreciate your soul and the manner in which you communicated the simple truths. Using your drum has given me some ideas on how to use drum in working with people. Looking forward to the second session.
I thought this was a great experience and allowed for self-exploration and thoughts about working w/ clients. It allows for another tool to use to try to reach individuals. A suggestion maybe to use some more examples of how each story may be used for difference types of clients . Than you for sharing you knowledge and experience w/ us. I really enjoyed it!
I enjoyed this program very much. I liked closing my eyes and listening to your stories / poem ;guidance. I wish more time was allowed to pair off w./each person.
I was surprised to learn a couple of new things about myself in recalling some new lessons from old stones. Workshop unconventional and unexpected.
Final workshop 201 Storytelling for healing and change.
Paschal: I appreciate your openness and examples. My “given” name which I received during a retreat with a dear friend who has much native American influence. “Asanama” Asana = Balancing Ama = mother. Thus “Balanced Mother.” You have helped me once again remember Who I am. .
I found that the 4 client types we discussed were helpful I will remember: Rescuer, Victim, Persecutor, and Avoidance - Rebellion. I will use stories w. metaphors with my clients
I liked meeting in groups of three to develop stories in the second session. Dyads were good in the first session. I found it useful to brainstorm stories to illustrate the TA roles, - good organization. Avoidance - rebellion sounds more compassionate than Passive Aggressive.
I liked your concise questions. What would be boring in it? for others....as other (unclear word) for me from other questions Congratulations for excellent work. A modern man/person.
I will tell you what every psychologist says: " I knew everything you said but you said it well” Seriously don’t change anything."
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