Course: The Universal Power of Story / Storytelling
Course proposal, draft 3.0
Paschal Baute. Ed. D.
1. Title
The Universal Power of Story / Storytelling Six classes.
Short description Story and narrative traditions nourished human endeavors, created culture, and sustained the human spirit down through the ages. Storytelling as an agent of transformation change is experiencing a renaissance today in business education, medicine, psychology, and personal growth. Since the power of story is universal, it cannot be overlooked in education, business and the healing arts.
2. Course Content. Origin, power, history, role, subtlety and uses today of story/stroryteling are explored. Widespread uses of narrative in psychology, medicine, education, health, business, leadership, family life and personal growth are explicated. This shout course examines the universal power of narrative to spur human imagination and motivation for change and transformation. .
3. Course Objectives. Participants will
A. Appreciate the role of storytelling in cultural change and adaptation.
B. Learn how the bran actually works and the power of metaphor. C. Understand that the placebo effort of belief depends on story, whether true or false.
D. Realize the power of story to influence and persuade, through their own experience.
E. Value the power of their own story to direct their lives
F. Perceive the hidden laws of behavior already governing their stories and decisions.
G. Be guided in re-writing their own story and developing a personal mission statement.
H. Learn the dynamics of good storytelling and Have practice in learning to tell stories.
4. Source Materials. I have used story as a teaching, motivational tool in ministry, coaching, psychotherapy, and HRM teaching for some 40 years. I have about 15 handouts already prepared from other college and C.E.U. teaching. Twenty five years experience in studying and using storytelling in diverse settings.
Personal library and already prepared Bibliography for other CEU credit (Ohio Psychologists). I have authored two books using story as a teaching tool. I am also communicating by email with three prominent authors in the field as to course content. See attached.
5. Course Outline. Course consists of six sessions.
1) Origins among primitive peoples.
A. Mythmaking and first storytellers.
C. Placebo: Whoever tells the best story wins.
2. Role of story in human history and culture.
A. Bible And Wisdom Traditions. Views
B. Power of other narrative tradition and origin of science.
3. The brain is hardwired for story and metaphor
A. Seven Universal story plots
B. Cognitive science (George Lakoff) and literary development.
4. What story and metaphor actually do.
A. Influence and persuaded beyond rational control.
B. Why we need story.
5. We are the stories we tell ourselves.
A. Uncovering the hidden forces shaping out awareness.
B. Seven Laws of human behavior.
6. Owning our own stories, rewriting, and mission statements.
A. Catch and creative new stories for ourselves and others.
B. How we continue to look for and tell stories.
6. Teaching method is basically Socratic, challenging adult students to become more aware, to become open, to share, and learn frm and value the diverse experience of classmates. I am a provocateur and raconteur, both challenging and affirming. I need a black board or flip chart, bring my own overheads, music, etc. Class presentations are group sharing and invited personal stories. I affirm the uniqueness of each adult learner. I obtain anonymous constructive feedback from my students at end of each course. Evaluations to Midway College from my non-traditional adult students are highly positive. References available. Ideal class size is 12-20..
7. Relevant Experience. I have been teaching college youth and adults for many years, St. Leo University, University of Kentucky, and many training and development courses through my own Institute for Human Responsiveness, and more recently the School for Career Development at Midway College. I developed the HRM curriculum for Midway. I have developed and led CEU courses on the power of story for psychologists. I have worn at lot of hats, served with all four branches of the U. S. Military, coached both high school, college and military levels, been a monk, Catholic priest, psychotherapist and ppsycho9logist. Greg Davis, Lexington Public Library, called him “Spellbinder extraordinarie,” since I have been a Lexington Spellbinder for three plus years, telling to thousands of children and adults. . I have five earned degrees, including Doctor of Education and a theological degree
See curriculum vitae online. At
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