Sunday, October 04, 2009

KSA Workshop, Richmond Ky Nov 7

KSA Workshop Title:
Your Own Story: writing, owning and telling

Presenters: Paschal Baute. Ed. D., and Charlie Eyer, M. S.

Each of us is a survivor and we are hard-wired for stories. By examining and owning your own story, you will increase the power of your storytelling. Ways to begin this personal journey are explored and assessed.

Participants will learn

1. To reclaim the values and power hidden in one's own lives.

2. To recognize places, events and times where a reframe occurred.

3. To view setbacks as stepping stones for a life well lived with courage and compassion.

Time needed: 45 min

Levels: Basic

see my blogs Amazement and Lexington Spellbinders at my website, plus

Christopher Booker: The Seven Basic Plots of Story

Jim Loehr. The Power of Story (reviewing your destiny in business and in life).

Steven Denning. The Secret Language of Leadership

Annette Simmons. Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins. .

address for Paschal

4080 Lofgren Ct.


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