Our Workshop for this KSA Fall conference is approved.
TITLE: Changing Worlds by Telling Stories (90 min, in 2 parts))
PRESENTERS: Paschal Baute and Charlie Eyer
KSA Fall workshop. October, 2008.
See KSA website for more details
part 1. (45 minutes) Catching Wisdom stories.
The bane of religion today is close-mindedness. We demonstrates how to extract the best of traditional Wisdom stories to create new but ancient paths for inspiration, growth and faith development.
Reference: (many, handouts prepared)
part 2. (45 min) Learning to access and tell our own “wisdom” stories
Each of us is in truth a survival story and we are heroes in our own movies. In this workshop we learn to recognize the beauty, uniqueness and differing gifts of our own stories and risk sharing them with others.
References: (many, handouts prepared)
Paschal Baute is a pastoral psychologist and storyteller in the Celtic Spiritiaulty trandition which views all life as blessed and discovers a Divine Amazement everywhere.
Charlie Eyer is a retired medical researcher, former professional photographer, KSA member and Lexington Spellbinder, frequent and beloved storyteller in the Fayette Public Schools.
5. Photos: sent email separately as noted
6. Contact informaition. Community Editor, Herald-Leader, Main and Midland, Lexington, Ky 40508
Note: Other workshops by Paschal Baute, related to storytelling,
Workshop proposed to Ohio Psychologists annual convention in Columbus this October.
Proposed OPA workshop, draft 1.0, May 8, deadline June 1
Title: Belief, Trust and Hope as Placebos and the Value of Story.
Presenters. Paschal Baute,.Ed. D. And Rick Reckman, Ph. D.
The Placebo evokes more debate, passion, skepticism than most any other aspect of the healing arts and sciences. Yet, brain scans verify striking brain effects and neurological change in placebo studies. Research is reported with discussion. Uses of “story” and CAM (complementary alternative medicine) is explored.
Participants will learn:
1. What is “placebo,” and why should it matter?
2. Whether placebo is merely psychological illusion or the power of suggestion or?
3. New therapy skills in the “anatomy of hope.” Story Creation.
___suggestion to RR
2 or three hour workshop
Shared leadership throughout, with each free to add comment at any time.
I would take leadership for 1st hour, summarizing research and leading small group discussion. You would take leadership second hour, and we would share leadership the third hour in small group discussion re application to therapy.
If useful we could meet half way at Williamsburg, KY (about 45 min for each of us) to work out details sometime this summer, if workshop is accepted.
This is draft 1.0 Let me know what you think?
I have some 25 pp., recent research on Placebo downloaded from Web, and several books considering ordering.
Re this subject. Placebo effect can account for 30 to 50 or 60 percent of the healing effects of drugs, particularly in pain, depression and Alzheimer.
I am sure you have also been collecting studies of mind/body/spirit interaction for years. We could both compile recommended resources.