Storytelling Opportunities, Lexington, Spring and Summer, 2011
Note to Spellbinders and students of storytelling.
Spring and Summer activities in storytelling (7)
Compiled by Paaschal and Charlie, March 30, 2011
1. OLLI course
taught by Susan Bottoms
at LTS this summer
Mother Goose and Fairy Tales: Anything but Child's Play
Description. Remember Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and the stories of the Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson? Some of those rhymes and stories have histories of their own- including political satire and racy jokes. Most were written for adults, not children. Some date back to Anglo-Saxon days or earlier; many were written between the 1600's and late 1800's. The Victorians were the first to worry about the effect of the violent stories on children and rewrote some of the rhymes to be politically correct. This class will explore the history of well-known rhymes and stories and the lives of their authors.
Susan's class will be held for 5 Wednesdays. June 1, 8, 15 (NO Class June 22), June 29 and July 6. 10:00am-12:00pm. Lexington Theoloigical Seminary, parking in rear, entry in rear.
2. OLLI course taught by Charlie eyere ahd Paschal Baute
Wednesdays 1:30 to 3:30, June 1 to July 13, six sessions.
_“Tell me a story, from your mouth, Grandma!”
Principles, Tips and Practice of Oral Storytelling.
Practice the seven skill sets or languages of effective oral storytelling. Participants are those who want to improve their storytelling skills., beginners accepted. open to anyone, beginners level, to anyone. Paaschal will use parts of his new book on Stloryteling.
Place: Trinity Hill Methodist Church, SE corner of Armstrong Mill and Tates Creek.
Time: Wednesdays, 1:30 to 3:30 pm. June 1 to July 13, 6 sessions.
Short bio of leaders:
Both presenters are Lexington Spellbinders who have performed for thousands of children. Both have led workshops at the annual Kentucky Storytelling conferences. Both are KSA Wandering Storyteller performers. Boh are U.K. OLLI Faculty teaching courses on the Power of Story. Paschal is a certified Spellbinder trainer and Charlie has assisted in this training. ______
3. As a Spellbinder or Storyteller, you are invited to
Final dress Rehearsal, May 12, 8 pm.
Woodford theater, f the play 1776.
Please register with Paschal Baute. 293-5302
I highly recommend this play. The plot is authentic and the drama surrounding the very founding of our nation is stirring and unforgettable. You will enjoy this play and wonder about the serendipity of these events. If you have had no patriotism before this play, you will afterwards. (If we can surv9ve all the singing :-) Paschal.
Free pass to Final Dress Rehearsal, May 12. Woodford Theater, check with Paaschal 293-5302l
For more information, go to
For OLLI information, go to
4. Monthly Spellbinder meetings.
Held Second Wednesday, Beaumont Library, (:30 to 11:00 a.m.
These meetings of our Lexington Chapter are open.
Please come as the guest of Paschal and Charlie
and see what we love and do.
5. Next Spellbinder Training will be held late July
Probably in Lexington, a three day event.
Training is free. If after the training you are led to
become a Spellbinder, you will shadow a regular member
until you are ready to solo.
To be placed on invited list,
call Greg Davis, Lexington Public Library, 231-5554,
Leave your name, tel number and email address.
6. IF you are not yet an OLLI student, to take advantage of many educational opportunities offered regularly in Lexington and surrounding areas. REGISTER NOW ONLINE.
See web link ag0ve under #4 pr call: Teresa Hager
Teresa Hager, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UK
658 S. Limestone/Ligon House Lexington, KY. 40506-0442 859-257-2656 or 1-866-602-5862 Fax: 859-323-4940
7. Monthly Downtown Lexington Wandering Storytellers of
Kentucky Storytelling Association
Natasha’s Café, Esplanade, across from Chase Parking garage.
Last Monday of each moth 8 to 10 pm. With Open Mike
between two featured KSA storytellers.
8. Cave Run Storytelling Festival, September 23, 24, 2011
Morehead, Ky
9. We are thrilled to announce our 2012 National Storytelling Conference! It will take place June 28-July 1, 2012 at the Cincinnati Marriott at River Center:
10. If you got this far, you get a personal invitation to join Paschal’s core team of reviewers
for his new book: Storytelling: Magic and Mystery, invited to read , not for proofreading, but for flow, readability, and engagement.