Communique from Camelot, in the Bluegrass couontry of Kentucky
Communique from Camelot.
In the Bluegrass country of Kentucky
where Paschal the rascal
Spellbinder storyteller kives
with his bride of 42 years:
Greetings to friends
Re update on my book
Storytelling: Mystery, Power and Genius
How Storytelling Nurtures he Human Spirit.
We have two proposals submitted to
two promising choice publishers.
(Following their guidelines,
and one states the wait is 5 months)
and two letters of inquiry.
What has been helpful is to rework the
proposal according to different suggested
and required guidelines.
This has made the proposal much stronger.
In one case a review of related and possibly competing books
was required, which enabled me to define 12 ways my
book is different from any other. Twelve.
I am hoping to have a response by my birthday, July 12.
And to be busy this summer and early fall completing the
proposed chapters and research.
It is not simply enough to write a good book.
Harry Potter was turned down by all publishers on
both sides of the Atlantic until a little known publisher,
Scholastic Press took a chance on it.
They are one of my choices.
So, friends who got this far,
send ESP vibes of "YES" to Scholastic Press and August House
re Pascal's book on storytelling.
Warmly, to all my friends,
June 16