Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Types of Stories that Influence Others.

Types of Stories Useful in Influencing Other
Paschal Baute, 2007

Annette Simmons details six types of stories that prove useful in influencing others:
She illustrates each of these (save # 7) in her Story Factor book.

1 - "Who I am stories"

2 - "Why I am here" stories

3 - "The vision" story

4 - "Teaching" stories

5 - "Values-in-action" stories

6 - "I know what you are thinking" stories

let us add #7. “I know what you care about” stories

The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence and Persuasion Through the Art of Storytelling
By Annette Simmons

Other references
Doug Lippman's Improving Your Storytelling (he wrote the Foreword to The Story Factor), Stephen Denning's The Leader's Guide to Storytelling, and Storytelling in Organizations co-authored by John Seely Brown, Denning, Katarina Groh, and Laurence Prusak

Simmons most recent book, highly reviewed, which I have just ordered is

Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins:
How to Use Your Own Stories to
Communicate With Power and Impact (Hardcover, 2007)

Annette Simmons (Greensboro, NC) is president of Group Process Consulting, whose clients include NASA, IRS, and Microsoft. She has been featured on CNBC’s Power Lunch and NPR’s Market Watch, and has been quoted in Fortune, The Washington Post, and other publications. She is the author of several books including The Story Factor.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Healing Stories Workshop 103

HEALING STORIES 103 workshop
How to tell stories that heal
Sat, Oct 20. 10 to 3, Lexington.

Focus: Metaphor, Re-framing, what story does, (how it works), favorite metaphors, identifying “stuck-ness,” using your experience to create...

Outcomes: Participants will understand the role of metaphor in life and change, how to reframe situations, and get some practice in the use of metaphors. A basic course..

Leaders: Dr. Paschal Baute, pastoral psychologist and storyteller, assisted by Charlie Eyer, Mary Kane, both Spellbinders and members of the Spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky.

Date: October 20, Saturday, 10 til 3, BYOL. Coffee and donuts at 9:30

Place: Paschal’s conference room, Lofgren Ct, Winchester Rd, Fay Co.

Level: advancing beginners (some experience with storytelling helpful, teachers, professional care-givers, e.g. ministers, nurses, counselors, etc.
Thid is a Basic course, 100 level

Helpful References: most any book on use of metaphor.
Note: Lexington Public Library has 26 listed.

Bandler and ‘Grinder. Reframing. Bettelheim. Bruno, The Uses of Enchantment
Campbell, Joseph, Hero with a Thousand Faces, Inner Reaches of Outer Space.
Crossen, John Dominic. The Dark Interval, a Theology of Story.
Fromm, Eric. The Forgotten Language
Gordon, David, Therapeutic Metaphors
Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark, Metaphor in Everyday Life
Sontag, Susan, Illness as Metaphor

Registration. Fee: $5.00 ($10 at the door) Advance Registration is limited to 12 persons (plus SGN) . Mail check addressed “Paschal Baute,” At 4080 Lofgren Court, Lexington, Ky 40509-9520. Tel 293-5302. Spellbinders and Midway students, free.
Preparatory materials for this workshop will be posted weekly on my storytelling blog “Amazement” for next six weeks. For best preparation, check this blog weekly. The most significant thinker, researcher and writer today on Metaphor is George Lakoff. I will be posting stuff from him also on this blog in the coming 6 weeks. Save this blog address:

Latest posts: “BUT IS THE STORY TRUE?” and “What is Reframing?”

If you forget the blog address, simply google “paschal baute” click on web logs and scan down to this Amazement blog next to my picture with grandkids.
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REGISTRATION. Please register me for this workshop.
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